Creating Classes & Methods

Object-Oriented Programming

OOP is one of several approaches to program design and execution supported by Python.

Central to OOP are objects, all of which have particular:

  • properties: also known as attributes
  • behaviours: also known as methods

Everything in Python is an object - strings, lists, dictionaries, functions, etc...


All objects are instances of a class, having been created (or instantiated) from a particular class definition.

Let's take a look at an example:

class User:

    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    def adult(self):

        return True if self.age >= 18 else False

Functions vs methods

We can see in our User definition (classes are capitalized by convention), what look much like functions.

These are methods, which are simply functions which are associated with (and called from) a particular object.


self is used by convention to represent the object itself in the method definitions (this could be any string as long as the same string was used consistently throughout the class definition).


This is a special method, which is called automatically when a new object of the given class is instantiated.

Accessing attributes

user_01 = User('Dave', 17)
  • after creating a new User object, we can access its attributes using dot notation

Using methods
  • we called the adult() method on the user_01 object
  • the method, having taken the object itself as an argument, has access to its attributes and returns the expected value
  • just like functions, our methods can be more complex and take additional arguments, to be provided when called

Modifying attributes

user_01.age += 1
  • we modified the age attribute for user_01, and the .adult() method accordingly returns a different result

Code walkthrough

Time to fork another repl...

API credentials

You'll need to create and update a .env file with your Spotify API credentials.

As before, we'll just focus on what's new here:

from spotter import Spotter
s = Spotter(client_id, client_secret)
track_info = s.get_item('tracks', track_id)
  • we've imported the Spotter class from
  • we created an instance of it, assigned to s, using our client_id and client_secret
  • we used the .get_item() method of s, providing 'tracks' and a track_id as arguments

The Spotter() class

Take a look at, starting with the __init__ method.

  • various attributes have been declared, which will be useful for the other methods
    • URLs for various API endpoints
    • storage of the provided credentials
  • a call to the get_token() method, which will make a call to the API to fetch an access_token and update the token attribute of the given object with the result

The .get_item() method

  • it has two positional arguments of category and item_id
  • the method could be used to request data for tracks or albums

In, this method can be called on the s object, and the API call is made using its own headers attribute - which contains the token attribute that was assigned when s was instantiated.

We can continue to use s.get_item() in the console (i.e. without having to re-create s), until the token expires.

Next, we'll see how we can avoid having to create a new Spotter object when the token has expired...