Exercise Guide

Get set up

  • You'll need a (free) account at repl.it to be able to work on the exercises.
  • Register using your repl.it account at the Autograder repl
  • Fork the exercise repl; you'll be assigning your answers to variables in the main.py file

--> Pop Quiz repl

Write code

  • Write code in main.py such that your answers are assigned to the given variables when main.py is run (which it will be at the time of submission)

Submit code

  • Run your repl; a web page should be visible in the output pane or at <repl-name>.<your-replit-user-id>.repl.co
  • Authorize via repl.it on the page if necessary then submit your answers using the button to get feedback from the Autograder

Under the hood...

  1. main.py will be executed in your repl when the submission is made
  2. some local processing may occur to extract features from the answers
  3. the answers, extracted features, and main.py will be sent to the Autograder
  4. the Autograder will evaluate the posted data and return feedback
  5. this feedback will be displayed on the web page served by your repl